By booking directly you will get the best price, guaranteed with your credit card details, you can check availability and the price in real time. You will immediately save on OTA commissions while still having the guarantee on the reservation by providing your credit card details as a guarantee, or by paying a deposit. However, we will also be available for tailor-made quotes for you, we will do our best to give you the best service at the best price.
By accepting our estimates they will immediately turn into a secure and guaranteed reservation. You will have a direct relationship with the host for information on the structure, in case of food intolerances we will be able to replace foods suitable for your diet, on our services, possibility of booking tastings at wineries but also in the structure, evening aperitifs before dinner. Possibility to book bikes or e-bikes, Valpolicella bike tours. For a fee it is possible to recharge the car, garage for bikes and ebikes also including recharge. We accept dogs, one per room with advance notice, the cost for the animal is €10 for the entire stay. Info point a structure for destinations, sites to visit, extensive paper documentation including maps of the area.
sleep in Valpolicella
A cordial welcome to the B&B Mimosa e Lillà
The love for nature and the desire to respect the environment led me to build a house in green building and open a Bed and Breakfast to share with those who want to discover the beauties of Fumane, a magical place in the heart of Valpolicella and the romantic city of Verona.Breathe deeply, let your gaze wander over the hills, admire the endless rows of vineyards, olive trees and cypresses, a succession of various shades of green that will make you feel a feeling of tranquility and harmony.Enjoy days full of emotions and unique experiences, unforgettable memories to take home.